Dave Carroll
Dave Carroll, the creator behind “United Breaks Guitars,” the groundbreaking YouTube music video considered by many to be the greatest customer service complaint in history, has released a new song and video that is current and relevant for the times. Written and produced during the current COVID-19 pandemic, this song is meant to reflect our ability to respond to fear and uncertainty with love and compassion.

Carroll, of Local 571 (Halifax, NS), said the inspiration for the song was the pandemic and the fact that for the first time, the entire world has agreed to stop and make the solution to a common crisis our common priority. In its wake, the song asks the questions people everywhere are asking right now: What will life be like when we emerge? Will we have new priorities and shift to what we value most or will it be business as usual? Will we love each other better than ever before?
The conclusion: There is good in the world and, as always, we emerge from challenging times with a choice.