As we so frequently get caught up in day-to-day business and the pursuit of agreements and payments, it can be difficult to make time to get to know each other. The following EMSD “who’s who” puts faces with names and summarizes job responsibilities for our EMSD staff.
West Coast Office

Aksinia Dintcheva: Aksinia is part of the Sound Recording to Theatrical and Television Film New-Use Department and works tirelessly to create B-7 and B-8 contracts and billings. This is her 20th year working in the EMSD.

Andie Childs: Andie collects and disburses payments for film-to-film clip use, other theatrical and television film music uses, and compilation programs, and manages historical soundtracks, which includes providing the labels with musician credits. She also assists with research and calculations for other projects as needed. Andie has been with the AFM since 1995.

Andre Shavers: Andre is in charge of collections for the Sound Recording to Theatrical and Television Film New-Use Department—he pursues payment for billings generated by Peter Marroquin and the researchers. He also oversees notices for work dues payments.

Chris DeLeon: Chris is a researcher for the Sound Recording to Theatrical and Television Film New-Use Department. He views TV shows, documentaries, and films to identify the tune used and make sure it matches the one licensed. He also creates billing packages which includes gathering licensing amounts, tune recording information, finding B-4s/ album jackets, and reaching out to production companies for the correct info to invoice.

Mary Beth Blakey: Mary Beth is the contract administrator covering television videotape, basic cable television, Internet and new media projects, and video games. She has been working at the EMSD for 10 years.

Matt Allen: Matt is the contract administrator who handles motion picture and television film, as well as low budget, student, festival, and industrial films. Matt initially worked at Local 47 (Los Angeles, CA), administering the Sound Recording Labor Agreement. After Matt came to work at the Federation in 2001, he managed Commercial New Use before making his move to the Film Agreements.

Michael Stogner: Michael is a researcher in the Sound Recording to Theatrical and Television Film New-Use Department. He identifies the use of AFM sound recordings in film media and prepares the billing packets used for invoicing. Additionally, he assists with preparing theatrical and television film low budget approval letters. Michael has been with the AFM for over two years.

Peter Marroquin: Peter is the manager of the Sound Recording to Theatrical and Television Film New-Use Department. He also handles the management and storage of data for the office. Peter has been with the AFM for 27 years.
East Coast Office

Pat Varriale: Director of the EMSD, Pat has been with the AFM for 46 years. He is “all things electronic media,” specializing in all facets of the Sound Recording Labor Agreement, national public television, National Public Radio, limited pressing, demonstration recording, and background music agreements.

John Painting: Joining the Federation as assistant director of EMSD last May, John brought over eight years of contract administration and bargaining experience from Local 802 in New York. As a result, he is familiar all of the unique quirks of the AFM’s electronic media agreements. John’s primary focus is in public television and special projects, as well as providing general back-up to Pat on all contracts.

Maria Warner-Dowrich: Contract administrator for EMSD New York, Maria administers commercial announcements including commercial new use, commercial new use research, commercial assumption agreements, sound recording low budget, theme park, and limited pressings. She’s worked for the Federation for close to 12 years; almost 10 of them with EMSD.

Alyson Sheehan: In her third year with the Federation, Alyson is working on the billing and collections of sound recordings and theatrical motion picture scores into commercial announcements. In addition, she assists Pat in writing special letters of agreement and claims when musicians are underpaid for commercial and sound recording sessions.
Canadian Office

Rosalyn Dennett, Outreach and Licensing Coordinator: Rosalyn has worked in Electronic Media services since 2016. Initially, Rosalyn’s role was focused solely on all new use projects/agreements from start to finish, but her position has developed into more of an outreach and educational role, with specific focus on applying the agreements. Rosalyn designed a thorough EMSD presentation (Prezi), specific to Canadian productions/agreements, which has been in regular use for a few years. Rosalyn brings with her a wealth of knowledge as a long-standing, member who has worked under these agreements. Contact
Rosalyn at
Rosalyn Dennett, relations avec la collectivité et coordonnatrice des licences : Rosalyn travaille au sein du service des médias électroniques depuis 2016. Initialement, elle s’occupait de tous les projets et ententes en matière de nouvelles utilisations, qu’elle suivait de bout en bout. Depuis, son rôle a évolué et porte davantage sur l’éducation et les relations avec la collectivité, axées en particulier sur la mise en application de ces ententes. Rosalyn a créé une présentation complète de la DSMÉ (sur Prezi) portant spécifiquement sur les productions et les ententes canadiennes, qui est utilisée régulièrement depuis quelques années déjà. Rosalyn possède une connaissance approfondie de son domaine. En effet, membre de longue date, elle a elle-même travaillé en vertu de ces ententes. Vous pouvez contacter Rosalyn à

Carl Schilde, Contract and Licensing Coordinator: Carl started as part-time contract support in 2018, very recently joining the full-time roster of the staff. In addition to general support within this area of administration, Carl has taken the lead as our primary New Use coordinator in Canada, handling all aspects of the many new use (licensing) requests sent to that department daily. Carl has developed a more streamlined collections process and overall filing system for contracts. Contact Carl at or call 416-391-5161 ext. 236.
Carl Schilde, coordonnateur des contrats et des licences : Carl est entré à la Division en 2018 comme soutien à temps partiel aux contrats. Il y travaille maintenant à temps plein. En plus de son soutien général au secteur des contrats, Carl est devenu notre principal coordonnateur en matière de nouvelles utilisations au Canada et traite tous les aspects des nombreuses demandes (licences) de nouvelles utilisations que la Division reçoit chaque jour. Il a notamment développé des processus simplifiés de collection et de classement général pour les contrats. Contactez Carl à ou en composant le 416-391-5161, poste 236.

Greg Bruce, Assistant to the Executive: Greg handles the payrolling of all New Use and supplemental markets payments emanating from Canadian media agreements. Greg also maintains the member-beneficiary records and participates as needed in other areas of the overall administration. Greg is a former president of Local 820 (St. John’s, NL), and is of course a member, who brings to the position a vast array of knowledge. Contact Greg at or call 416-391-5161 ext. 226.
Greg Bruce, adjoint à la direction : Greg traite toute la paie relative aux nouvelles utilisations et aux nouveaux marchés découlant des ententes canadiennes sur les médias. Greg maintien également les dossiers des membres bénéficiaires, et prête main-forte au besoin à d’autres secteurs de l’administration. Greg est un membre et ex-président de la section locale 820 (St. John’s, T.-N.-L.). Il apporte à la Division un vaste éventail de connaissances des plus utiles. Vous pouvez le joindre à ou en composant le 416-391-5161, poste 226.