Tag Archives: let me out

let me out

Let Me Out: Unlock Your Creative Mind and Bring Your Ideas to Life

let me outLocal 47 (Los Angeles, CA) member Peter Himmelman has made a living in the creative world for more than 35 years, first as a musician, then as a top speaker and consultant on creativity and leadership for businesses around the world through his company Big Muse. In this book, he combines proven cognitive methods with his own unique artistic techniques to unite and convert left and right-brain thinking into action. He will show you how to: reduce fear to become more creative; create with purpose; communicate effectively and deeper; and complete worthwhile projects that have stayed in the “bits and pieces” phase forever.

Let Me Out: Unlock Your Creative Mind and Bring Your Ideas to Life, by Peter Himmelmann, Penguin Random House, penguinrandomhouse.com.