At the end of September, musicians of the Cleveland Orchestra, represented by Local 4 (Cleveland, OH), ratified a four-month modification to their current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The modification is effective through January 31, 2021, and the CBA is set to expire August 29, 2021. After January 31, the originally bargained contract terms will be reinstated, unless otherwise negotiated and agreed upon. Previously, on April 1, salaries had been reduced to 80% and later to 70% of original wages. Under the four-month modification, compensation returns to 80%. Musicians will continue to receive their quarterly EMG. Orchestra size remains at 100 musicians, and paid COVID administrative leave may be used by those who have been exposed to COVID-19 or those at high risk for contraction.
Tag Archives: cleveland

Senator Sherrod Brown Holds Cleveland Pension Rally with Labor Leaders
In March, Senator Sherrod Brown (OH-D) held a rally on his work and commitment for retirement security. The event was hosted by several organizations including the Cleveland AFL-CIO Retiree Council, Senior Voice!, and AFM Local 4 (Cleveland, OH). Brown is co-chair of the Joint Congressional Select Committee on Multi-Employer Pension Plans.
“Sherrod Brown has a long history as an independent voice for working-class Ohioans and their families. In addition to championing our earned retirement benefits, Senator Brown remains one of our strongest advocates for fair trade, social and economic justice, and sensible health care policies,” says Local 4 President Leonard DiCosimo.

Local 4 (Cleveland, OH) musicians presented Senator Sherrod Brown (OH, D) with a Local 4 T-shirt at a rally in Cleveland. (L to R) are Ed Majeski, Evan Mitchell, Brown, Jeremey Poparad, and Todd Smith.
For more information on the joint committee’s work and pension progress, please read AFM Legislative-Political Director Alfonso Pollard’s column here.
Cleveland Receives $15 Million Gift
Richard and Emily Smucker have pledged $15 million to The Cleveland Orchestra in celebration of its 100th season. The gift will fund artistic and education programs, with an emphasis on young people. In addition, a significant portion of the gift will support the orchestra’s endowment. The Smuckers have designated $3 million of their pledge as a challenge grant.
“The work these musicians do inspires audiences and young people throughout our community, across the nation, and around the world,” says Richard K. Smucker, who serves as president of The Cleveland Orchestra’s board of directors. “From my own life experience, I know that music has the power to change lives.” The musicians are members of Local 4 (Cleveland, OH).
Richard Smucker retired from his position as chief executive officer of the J. M. Smucker Company in 2016. He was elected board president of The Cleveland Orchestra March 2017; he has served on the board of trustees since 1989.

Cleveland Local Partners with Percussion Marketing Council to Bring Percussion to Students

Karl Dustman of Local 4 (Cleveland, OH) assists a young drummer at a workshop held at the Rainey Institute.
You could hear the thunder throughout the building and see the wall-to-wall smiles on students and faculty attending the three-part Percussion Residency educational program at Cleveland’s Rainey Institute. This was the third consecutive year that Local 4 (Cleveland, OH) collaborated with the Percussion Marketing Council (PMC) to provide an educational percussion program to Rainey students and teachers.
This year’s first session featured the exciting Caribbean sounds and music of pan drums, performed by Local 4 member Jeff Cavallo, aka “Island Jeff.” The program started with an introduction to the origins and sound production of steel drums and pan drums from Trinidad. Local 4 Board Member Cindy Wulff complimented the instructional team, assisting students in performance, grasping the rhythms, skills, and enjoyment of the percussion program.
PMC Co-Executive Director, percussionist, and Local 4 member Karl Dustman provided a huge assortment of instruments for each student to experience. “With a student audience ranging from second grade through high school, the challenge was connecting with and getting participation in an educational experience from everyone in attendance. By educating the students in the music making basics—essentials of melody, harmony, and rhythm—all ages and abilities could hear, see, and appreciate the percussion connection that these instruments provide,” says Dustman. “Many students would never have this educational experience without the collaboration of Local 4, Rainey Institute, and the PMC’s Percussion in the Schools program.”
Every student received a complimentary drumstick keychain as a thank you from the PMC, along with a take-home “Why Learn Music” brochure, provided by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM). Older students also received a How to Play Drums instruction booklet with DVD.