Now is the right time to become an American Federation of Musicians member. From ragtime to rap, from the early phonograph to today's digital recordings, the AFM has been there for its members. And now there are more benefits available to AFM members than ever before, including a multi-million dollar pension fund, excellent contract protection, instrument and travelers insurance, work referral programs and access to licensed booking agents to keep you working.

As an AFM member, you are part of a membership of more than 80,000 musicians. Experience has proven that collective activity on behalf of individuals with similar interests is the most effective way to achieve a goal. The AFM can negotiate agreements and administer contracts, procure valuable benefits and achieve legislative goals. A single musician has no such power.

The AFM has a proud history of managing change rather than being victimized by it. We find strength in adversity, and when the going gets tough, we get creative - all on your behalf.

Like the industry, the AFM is also changing and evolving, and its policies and programs will move in new directions dictated by its members. As a member, you will determine these directions through your interest and involvement. Your membership card will be your key to participation in governing your union, keeping it responsive to your needs and enabling it to serve you better. To become a member now, visit


Officers Columns

Here are the latest posts from our officers


Ray Hair – AFM International President

Click here for more from AFM President

    Solidarity Is Needed Now More Than Ever

    President Trump’s election has new consequences on our industry every day. As the AFM president representing musicians, I am outraged when I see government overreach and unlawful acts that jeopardize our safety and threaten our rights as workers. On stage, on public television, or anywhere in between, the AFM stands against undue influence from the federal government designed to suppress our right to free expression. Our art is our speech. And we must be allowed to share our music free from politically-motivated government intimidation. Democracy only thrives with artistic expression.

    The Trump administration is defying norms at our federal cultural agencies and beloved institutions. Now is the time to remain steadfast in our mission and affirm our values. We can oppose the forces of exploitation through our union solidarity.

    We will never stand for federal interference with our members’ hard-earned contracts and the standards that follow. And we must treat each other with respect and dignity without regard to ethnicity, creed, sex, age, disability, citizenship, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or national origin. As a union, we oppose those who seek to limit our freedom to express ourselves as musicians.

    Recently, I issued a statement condemning the unlawful firing National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Member Gwynne Wilcox. The AFM joined with our fellow unions in AFL-CIO endorsing a congressional letter to Trump calling for the immediate reinstatement of Wilcox to the Board. All Congressional Democrats and one House Republican signed that letter expressing outrage at the clear violation of the National Labor Relations Act.

    Trump campaigned on putting employers first. Leaving the NLRB paralyzed with unfilled vacancies does just that. Without an NLRB to enforce the law, workers are left with little remedy in the face of union-busting and threats to workplace standards. The independence of the NLRB is critical to its mission. In firing Wilcox, Trump has discarded nearly nine decades of precedent.

    The flurry of adverse executive orders from the Trump administration will naturally tempt us to react to each one. We cannot take the bait every time. But I will speak out when I see laws broken and our members’ livelihoods threatened. To that end, the AFM will always work to protect our members in the United States and Canada.

    At the beginning of February, I joined Vice President from Canada Allistair Elliott in a message of solidarity. We will not stand idly by when President Trump threatens a trade war with Canada. As we said at the time, no outside forces can change what brings us together. On both sides of the border, we are all musicians deserving of a fair contract and a safe workplace. I will continue to work with Elliott to achieve those goals for our members in Canada and the United States.

    If your job, your contract, or your safety is threatened, we will support you. Now is the time to speak out and be there for each other. As I wrote the day after the election, our solidarity is needed now more than ever.

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jay blumenthal

Jay Blumenthal – AFM International Secretary-Treasurer

Click here for more from AFM Secretary-Treasurer

    The Air We Breathe, the Water We Drink, the Land We Share

    Anyone who lived through the early 1980s will remember US President Reagan’s sabre-rattling with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War with its attendant threat of imminent nuclear annihilation—a group of senile old men in the Kremlin and a has-been actor in the White House, each with their gnarled fingers poised over their Big Red Launch Buttons in a high-stakes game of chicken. The citizens of both countries held their collective breaths for three years, not knowing what the immediate future would bring. It was a very stressful time.

    As an American citizen, the present-day atmosphere feels much the same. Setting aside the ongoing unraveling of the US federal bureaucracy upon which Americans depend for some semblance of stability in their lives, the new US administration—populated by a bunch of unbelievably rich people—has apparently decided that it’s time to play chicken again. Only this time, it’s not with adversaries, it’s with friends and allies.

    The man occupying the chair formerly identified with the Leader of the Free World has decided it’s all up for a real estate negotiation—all ripe for the taking—that Panama has no sovereign authority, Gaza should be converted into a Mediterranean resort, Greenland does not belong to Denmark (never mind the indigenous people of Greenland), and Canada has no more standing in his mind than as a 51st state.

    The orange-coated offal about Canada being annexed is particularly disturbing to me as a longtime AFM officer.

    It’s disturbing because I’ve always been extremely proud that the members of this one international union have, through thick and thin, preserved and maintained the idea that we as Canadian and American musicians have much more in common than differences, and yet we honor and cherish our respective national and cultural identities.

    What do we have in common? Our music, for one. Whether it’s Euro-centric, Latin, African, Asian, indigenous, folk, jazz, rock, country, and on and on, and without regard to the origins of our individual ethnic heritages, we bring what we do together into one grand continental weaving of a multi-layered cultural experience—for our people and for our lives.

    We breathe the same air. We drink the same water. Our feet stand on a land unimpressed by political boundaries. We share a language.

    These things, both natural and ethereal, are our glue.

    And yet, we are still Canadians and Americans. As Canadian and American musicians, we must stand together, because no one else will stand with us. We are here for each other.

    So, I say to Canadian members, be not too worked up by that musky odor emanating from behind the orange curtain with its eau d’imperialism wafting through the air. Can’t happen. It’s nothing but a distraction. Guard and honor your water, your air, your land, and your form of government. Hold on to who you are, and remember that we are all in this together.

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alan willaert

Alan Willaert – AFM Vice President from Canada

Click here for more from AFM Vice President from Canada

    Finding Traction and Action in the Distraction

    Never have I ever read so many political commentaries, opinions, and predictions than in the last month. The chaos created by the smoke show in Washington, DC, has stirred even the most apolitical segment of the population to raise eyebrows and engage with opinions. Some people have become addicted to watching the next headline news story and debate the strategy and counter strategy of politicians and governments. For others, the chaos has caused so much stress and anxiety that they avoid watching the news or reading social media.

    When there is a bully in the schoolyard, the way to defeat them is to stand together. The bully will try to turn friends against each other. Their tactics usually open the small differences we have in our lives because we feel the need to react. Our passion, patriotism, and intrinsic sense of “we must do something” causes us to feel compelled to scratch that itch. To outsmart the bully, they must be called out from a united voice that complements our friends and speaks in favor of them.

    Last week, I was invited to spend a day in Washington, DC, as part of a Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) delegation. Several unions were represented, and we discussed the impact and implications of potential tariffs. Later in the day, we were invited to meet with Canadian Premiers at AFL-CIO headquarters, right across the street from the White House.

    We heard Premier David Eby (BC) and Premier Wab Kinew (MB) articulate a strong argument as to why tariffs between the US and Canada make no sense. It was clear from what they shared that there is just as much confusion in the US as there is in Canada. Any tariffs will cost jobs on both sides of the border. The knee jerk reaction we must guard against, which this very chaos creates, is for us to look for our own “tariffs” that we should impose on ourselves. In other words, this chaos agenda can cause us to negotiate among ourselves.

    This conversation needs to be about people and jobs, not tariffs. The conversation with unions, the AFL-CIO, and CLC focused on the labour movement sending a clear and consistent message. We must not let this chaos create division and disharmony in our union, and not let the schoolyard bully dismantle our international solidarity. We must remain focused on our motto: unity, harmony, and artistry.

    We must be prepared. Avoid the distraction, find distraction, and create distrACTION. Remember, in Canada, we are on the verge of a very important Federal election likely coming in the spring. We must make sure to get involved and vote. Let’s not let only a third of eligible voters decide who our next leader will be. Build traction and take action.

    Susciter l’union et l’action malgré la distraction

    par Allistair Elliott, vice-président de l’AFM pour le Canada

    Je n’ai jamais lu autant de commentaires politiques, d’opinions et de prédictions qu’au cours du dernier mois. Le chaos créé par le « show de boucane » à Washington D.C. fait sourciller et réagir même la partie la plus apolitique de la population. Certains sont devenus accros aux manchettes et débattent sans arrêt des stratégies et contre-stratégies des politiciens et des gouvernements, d’autres ressentent tant de stress et d’anxiété qu’ils évitent de regarder les informations ou de suivre les réseaux sociaux.

    Lorsqu’il y a un tyran dans la cour d’école, la meilleure solution consiste à rester unis. Il cherchera à diviser pour régner. Les tactiques de ce genre de personnage exploitent habituellement les petits différends dans nos vies, parce que cela nous fait facilement bondir. Notre passion, notre patriotisme et notre sentiment de « devoir y faire quelque chose » nous poussent à gratter la plaie, en quelque sorte. Pour déjouer le tyran, il faut le dénoncer d’une seule voix, soutenir nos amis et parler en leur faveur.

    La semaine dernière, j’ai été invité à passer une journée à Washington D.C. comme membre d’une délégation du Congrès du travail du Canada (CTC). Plusieurs syndicats étaient représentés, et nous avons discuté de l’impact et des conséquences d’éventuels tarifs. Plus tard dans la journée, nous avons été invités de l’autre côté de la rue au siège social de l’AFL-CIO, en face de la Maison-Blanche, à rencontrer les premiers ministres canadiens.

    Nous avons entendu les premiers ministres David Eby (C.-B.) et Wab Kinew (Man.) faire valoir des arguments solides contre les tarifs entre les États-Unis et le Canada. Il était clair, selon ce qu’ils nous ont dit, qu’il y avait autant de confusion aux États-Unis qu’au Canada à cet égard. Tout tarif, quel qu’il soit, entraînera des pertes d’emplois des deux côtés de la frontière. La réaction instinctive à laquelle nous devons résister, et que provoque le chaos ambiant, serait de nous imposer nous-mêmes des tarifs. En d’autres termes, le chaos pourrait nous pousser à négocier entre nous.

    Cette conversation doit être axée sur les personnes et les emplois, pas sur les tarifs. Les échanges avec les syndicats, l’AFL-CIO et le CTC, ont porté sur l’importance pour le mouvement ouvrier de transmettre un message clair et toujours identique. Nous ne devons pas permettre à ce chaos de créer la division et la mésentente au sein de notre syndicat, au tyran dans la cour d’école de démanteler notre solidarité internationale. Nous devons rester concentrés sur notre devise : unité, harmonie et talent.

    Nous devons nous préparer. Éviter la distraction, chercher l’union et créer la distrACTION. N’oubliez pas que, au Canada, nous approchons d’une élection fédérale très importante qui aura probablement lieu au printemps. Nous devons à tout prix participer et voter. Ne laissons pas seulement un tiers des électeurs admissibles décider qui sera notre prochain dirigeant. Suscitez l’union et l’action.

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Other Officer Columns:

Photo Dusty Kelly

Let’s Elect Governments that Work for Us

As I sit down to write my February column, wildfires in Los Angeles are still burning, Donald Trump is on the eve of commencing his second four-year term, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.

The wildfires are certain to have a negative impact on the economy in Southern California. Not only are thousands of persons displaced, but thousands have lost their jobs. For gardeners, cooks, baristas, cleaners, drivers, waiters, performers, far too many occupations to list—the fires have destroyed their workplaces.

Tragically, many AFM and other entertainment union members have also lost their homes and tools of their trades, unable to work as they put their lives back together. The cause of these fires will be investigated. But make no mistake, climate change has played an oversized role with drought like conditions and unusually strong Santa Ana winds.

In my own home province of British Columbia, we too have had our fair share of wildfires. In 2021, the entire village of Lytton burnt to the ground. Not yet fully rebuilt, residents are still living in temporary housing. Severe windstorms are on the increase in Vancouver, and heavy rains have caused catastrophic mudslides as drought ravaged soil cannot absorb the excess volume of water.

In Toronto, our subways shut down last summer when sudden severe torrential downpours flooded the downtown stations. Don Valley Parkway, a major artery into the city, flooded too. Climate change is impacting our lives right in our own backyards.

We now have an individual taking control of the Oval Office, who flip-flops on their position on climate change, querying whether it is really manmade. In Canada, the political party leading in the polls to form the next government also has members who question if climate change is manmade.

Their leader, Pierre Poilievre, is a true career politician who has never known another job. He has yet to share any policies on climate change—except to “axe the tax” (referencing the carbon tax). Other snappy soundbites include “defund the CBC” and “burn, baby, burn.”

Let’s face it, no government is perfect and change in leadership is good, but it should not come at the expense of its citizenry’s well-being. More than ever in these times of change and crises we must elect people to government who work for us. We need government that does not pit worker against worker and that understands that, for our countries to take meaningful action on climate change, we need a just transition for those whose livelihoods are impacted by job losses.

Yet, politics has become driven by emotion and it shouldn’t be. Citizens around the world are electing politicians to governments that do not govern in their best interests, but in that of the politicians themselves and at the beckoning of their billionaire masters.

Emotions and stories, over facts and progressive policies, are driving the narrative. The party with the better stories, rather than the better achievements, is winning the day.

American Author Thomas Frank states: “You vote to strike a blow against elitism, and you receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our lifetimes, workers have been stripped of power, and CEOs are rewarded in a manner that is beyond imagining … It’s like a French Revolution in reverse in which the workers come pouring down the street screaming more power to the aristocracy.”

My fellow Canadian members, I invite you to join me this spring by helping your constituencies elect a government that works for working people—a government that funds our cultural institutions and the arts, enacts legislation to protect human creators’ copyright, protects jobs in the age of artificial intelligence, acknowledges that climate change is manmade, funds public health care, and upholds the rights of workers to organize, in other words, a government that supports CFM musicians and their families.

We may be apt to disagree on various issues, but we should never lose sight of our and our family’s collective well-being. As AFM President Tino Gagliardi recently stated: “Our solidarity is needed now more than ever.”

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Labour and Progressive Movements Challenged by the Rise of the Right in the US and Canada

The indisputable rise of right-wing leaders in the US government culminated in an unequivocal victory for the Republican Party on November 5. Unfortunately, there is every reason to believe that a similar movement will bring the right-wing Conservative Party of Canada to power within a year.

What are the challenges trade unions face in the wake of the rise of the conservative right—and even the ultra-right? It is unmistakable that many workers, including union members, have abandoned the parties with which they are normally associated. Many workers and minorities say they felt left behind by liberal and progressive elites. That is why a populist like Donald Trump was able to position himself as the outsider capable of bringing about a radical change of course, even if it’s not at all clear that these changes could ultimately help the working class.

How could this happen? The left has not finished writing the postscript of its electoral strategy. However, we can see that, if the traditional base of the more left-wing parties is deserting them to branch off into right-wing populism, something has gone very wrong in communicating progressive ideas.

Yet, our trade union values are simple and universal: democracy, equality, solidarity, social justice, respect, and defense of rights. Now, more than ever, we must continue to fight to bring these ideals to the forefront and find a way to put them at the heart of the political landscape. The role of unions as political and social catalysts will be very important.

What to do now? Here’s a short list of issues that could stimulate the union fibre:

•Passionately lobby for economic policies that directly benefit the working and middle classes: better minimum wage, a social safety net for all artists, etc.

•Communicate directly and authentically with the public and reach a wider and more diverse audience by using more and better social media, such as Instagram, TikTok, podcasts, and influencers. Traditional media are no longer the best way to spread our values and get our message across.

•Get out of the trap of excessive polarization that divides our communities: listen, understand, don’t judge, seek compromise, be respectful, and promote constructive dialogue.

•Collaborate more with local organizations and community leaders to better understand and respond to grassroots needs.

It’s time to organize the resistance and continue the fight for our union values.

Les défis qui attendent le mouvement syndical et progressiste
après la montée de la droite aux É.-U. et au Canada

par Luc Fortin, membre du conseil exécutif international (IEB) de l’AFM et de la section locale 406 (Montréal, Qué.)

La montée indéniable de la droite aux États-Unis s’est concrétisée par une victoire sans équivoque du parti républicain le 5 novembre, et tout porte à croire que ce même mouvement donnera le pouvoir au parti de droite canadien d’ici un an. Quels sont les défis qui attendent maintenant le syndicalisme après la montée de la droite – et même de l’extrême droite – conservatrice? Il est maintenant clair que de nombreux travailleurs, dont des syndiqués, ont délaissé les partis auxquels ont les associait normalement. Beaucoup de travailleurs et de minorités disent s’être sentis négligés par les élites libérales et progressistes, et un populiste comme Donald Trump s’est positionné comme l’outsider capable d’apporter un changement de cap radical, même s’il n’est pas clair du tout que ces changements vont finalement aider les travailleurs. Le constat est cruel pour le mouvement syndical : la classe moyenne et les travailleurs – dont beaucoup de nos membres sans doute – ont vraiment cru que le message des politiciens progressistes et libéraux ne correspondait pas à leurs préoccupations.

Comment cela a-t-il pu arriver? La gauche n’a pas fini de faire le post mortem de sa stratégie électorale, mais on constate que si la base traditionnelle des partis plus à gauche les déserte pour bifurquer vers un populisme de droite, quelque chose s’est vraiment mal passé au plan de la communication des idées progressistes. Les valeurs syndicales sont pourtant simples et universelles : démocratie, égalité, solidarité, justice sociale, respect et défense des droits. Il faut plus que jamais continuer à se battre pour les mettre à l’avant-plan et trouver le moyen de les placer au cœur du paysage politique.

Les menaces pour le monde syndical seront nombreuses; parmi celles-ci, l’affaiblissement des droits des travailleurs à cause de la déréglementation, et la réduction du filet social, particulièrement en santé.

Que faire maintenant? Le rôle des syndicats sera très important en tant que catalyseur politique et social. Pour surmonter ces défis, les syndicats devront développer de nouvelles stratégies et alliances sur les plans national et international Voici une petite liste d’actions qui pourraient stimuler la fibre syndicale :

•Promouvoir avec passion les politiques économiques qui profitent directement à la classe ouvrière et aux classes moyennes : meilleur salaire minimum, filet social pour tous les artistes.

•Communiquer de façon plus directe et authentique avec le public en utilisant plus et mieux les médias sociaux – Instagram et Tik-Tok, podcasts, influenceurs, etc. pour passer notre message et atteindre un public beaucoup plus large et diversifié. Les médias traditionnels ne sont plus la meilleure façon de propager nos valeurs.

•Essayer de se sortir du piège de la polarisation à outrance qui divise nos communautés : écouter, comprendre, ne pas juger, chercher le compromis, respecter et promouvoir un dialogue constructif.

•Collaborer de plus en plus avec les organisations locales et les leaders dans les communautés pour mieux comprendre et répondre aux besoins de la base

Il faut maintenant organiser la résistance et continuer le combat en faveur de nos valeurs syndicales.

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Ed Malaga

Back to the Future at the Kennedy Center: A Lesson in Compromise

On July 23, the Pamphlet B touring production of Back to the Future arrived at The Kennedy Center for a three-week run. In the months leading up to that date, there had been speculation about the details of this production, including whether it utilized the virtual orchestra technology known as KeyComp. It was important because the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra agreement provides that virtual orchestras will not be used in conjunction with any work there without the consent of the union.

This provision was a point of contention in the previous year when productions of The Lion King and Frozen, both using KeyComp on their tours, came to the center. As a result, we were successful in restoring a larger orchestration for the run of The Lion King, which did not use prerecorded KeyComp tracks for its Kennedy Center appearance. In the case of Frozen, KeyComp was allowed in exchange for a three-year contract extension of the minimum guaranteed hours for the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra (KCOHO).

At the start of 2024, we received information that KeyComp could be returning with the Back to the Future production. I contacted AFM Theatre/Touring/Booking Division Director George Fiddler to ask for an update on the status of this tour.

We did not receive final confirmation until the end of May that Back to the Future would indeed be using KeyComp. The request to utilize KeyComp was rejected by the KCOHO Committee and discussions began with the producers about how to bring the production into compliance with contract language. The solution required KeyComp’s developer, Christoph Buskies, to create new parts that would be necessary once the technology was decoupled from the musical score. This workaround required two new books to be created—one for keyboard and one for percussion. And it necessitated that two additional musicians be engaged to perform those parts for the Kennedy Center run.

I attended the first rehearsal on July 23 and had an opportunity to meet some of the musicians who would be performing in this production. It was the debut of this new version created for the run at the Kennedy Center. I was primarily interested in verifying that prerecorded tracks would not be used.

The band sounded fantastic reading this modified version of the score for the first time. I could tell by the reactions of the musicians that they were really enjoying some of the aspects of this new version. I also had the opportunity to meet briefly with Buskies, who arrived from Germany to oversee the transition of the new parts. In the end, this production was possible without the use of KeyComp and I would argue that its success was a result of the musicians performing those parts live.

At the time Back to the Future arrived at The Kennedy Center, we were in negotiations on a successor agreement with the center. One of their priorities was to eliminate the virtual orchestra clause from the agreement. This was a serious point of contention between our musicians and the center. One of the musicians’ key priorities was addressing a growing problem with their self-insured health care benefit.

With negotiations not going well, a strike authorization vote had been unanimously approved. At the eleventh hour, a deal came into view that would address both issues. The musicians would, for the first time in their history, be allowed access to Kennedy Center health plans, in exchange for allowing one presentation per contract year of a touring musical using KeyComp.

It should be emphasized that The Kennedy Center was not allowed to use this technology for its own productions. As difficult as it was for the musicians to accept this concession, it was in the best interest of their orchestra to move forward with these terms.

The issue of technology, as it affects our work, has been around for a long time. As a Federation of musicians, locals have a lot of autonomy concerning the agreements they bargain with employers in their jurisdictions. I have always felt that it would be beneficial to have a unified approach and standards in our agreements. This would be a vast undertaking given the nature of these contracts. That being said, whenever an unfamiliar situation arises in a local agreement that I am negotiating, I don’t hesitate to reach out to others who have experience with the subject. I have always been grateful for the information shared among our vast network of Federation officers, local officers, and player conference colleagues across our union. I offer this account in that spirit and look forward to continuing this work in the interest of all AFM musicians.

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Photo Dusty Kelly

Skilled Leadership and Education Builds Strong Locals

So, you find yourself elected to your local’s executive board, either as a titled officer or a member-at-large. Or perhaps you were elected to a negotiation committee, or your local’s diversity committee. Maybe you have been appointed as a steward or health and safety representative in your workplace. All these are signs you are recognized for your leadership qualities, you care about your fellow union members, and you want your local to be successful and thrive.

As a local officer you have an obligation and duty to provide your members with competent representation. But being an effective union leader is easier said than done. Let’s face it, music schools may teach musical leadership, but when it comes to training in union leadership, negotiation skills, running a local, and health and safety, you will need to look elsewhere. With the limited financial resources of many locals, access to union training is not readily available. Putting up your hand or accepting a leadership role is even harder if you feel you don’t have the skills to deliver!

The AFM Education Committee recognizes the need for ongoing skills training for all AFM officers and offers a two-day officer training program, which runs just prior to this year’s regional conferences. Given set budgets, the training sessions are more often limited to titled officers, typically those who would also be attending the conference. Although we encourage as much participation as possible, we also need to identify alternative opportunities for access to union training and education.

Both here in Canada and in the United States, most provinces and states have local labour councils and provincial/or statewide federations of labour. All AFM locals are required to be members. There are many advantages to labour council membership, not just for the solidarity but access to their extensive networks and resources dedicated to building a better life for workers and their families.

Those resources include union skills training programs on a variety of subjects: leadership, negotiations, diversity, communications, steward training, psychologically safe workplaces, and more. They are taught by labour lawyers, advocates, and other subject matter professionals. Courses are locally based, generally low cost, and if delivered through online technologies, more accessible than ever. Many unions and councils even offer scholarships or bursaries that are open to all union members.

A quick Google search of your local area labour council or labour federation will pull up a list and contacts. Here are some links to resources in Canada: and in the US:

There are also many weeklong programs both in the United States and Canada; the Summer Institute for Union Women is in many regions in the US and the Canadian Labour Congress runs a Winter School in Canada.

The AFM Education Committee is committed to delivering the skills you need to do your job effectively, while building succession planning. We will be rolling out online modules to help address geographic and financial barriers. And, we are looking to expand beyond the present preconference sessions for in-person training.

Developing skilled leadership is key to building strong locals, and to the future success of the AFM.

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