Tag Archives: tape relay machine

MEL9 Tape Relay Machine

MEL9 Tape Relay Machine

CT-EHX-Mel9The Eletro-Harmonix (EHX) MEL9 Tape Relay Machine emulates classic Mellotron sounds—
orchestra, cello, strings, flute, clarinet, saxophone, brass, low and high choir, and more. It is designed to work on any guitar without modifications, special pickups, or MIDI implementation, and will also work with bass and keyboards. You can select your sound choice via a rotary switch. Independent effect and dry volume controls let you create the perfect mix, and attack controls set the volume swell speed. Sustain control adjusts the release time after a sound is stopped. The MEL9 Tape Relay Machine comes with an EHX 9.6DC 200mA power supply.
