Tag Archives: Local 444

Jacksonville Symphony Ratifies Four-Year Agreement

On August 15, the musicians of the Jacksonville Symphony ratified a new four-year agreement that begins September 21, 2020; the current contract has been extended for an additional two years through September 3, 2024. The musicians and staff of the Jacksonville Symphony have agreed to 10% salary reductions in an effort to mitigate the damage COVID-19 has caused by limiting ticket sales, and to help cover the cost of new safety measures.

Under the agreement, absences due to COVID-19-related issues will be paid without the use of sick or personal leave, while musicians who fall under the definition of “People at Increased Risk for Severe Illness” as defined by the CDC, or who share a household with someone that fits that definition, will not be required to perform live with other musicians but may be required to provide mutually agreed alternative services.

The orchestra’s musicians are members of Local 444 (Jacksonville, FL).