Tag Archives: breaking laws

Writers Guild Accuses ITV of Violating Federal Labor Law

Almost five years after ITV’s Kirkstall Road Enterprises employees in favor of Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) representation, they still do not have a contract with the union. The WGAE states: “the company has engaged in bad-faith bargaining since that time in an effort to thwart its employees’ decision to unionize.” The National Labor Relations Board is investigation several charges against ITV. In a previous settlement with the NLRB the company agreed to provide the guild with information about the company’s health plan, as well as to advice employees that it would not interfere with their right to unionize.

“We are pleased the company has notified employees it will not violate their right to union representation,” a statement from WGAE Executive Director Lowell Peterson says. “We look forward to receiving the health benefits information we are entitled to review under the law. We remain utterly mystified that a giant multinational media corporation like ITV continues to engage in legalistic maneuvers to avoid negotiating a collective bargaining agreement.”

In the past few years, WGAE has made organizing reality TV a priority.