Now is the right time to become an American Federation of Musicians member. From ragtime to rap, from the early phonograph to today's digital recordings, the AFM has been there for its members. And now there are more benefits available to AFM members than ever before, including a multi-million dollar pension fund, excellent contract protection, instrument and travelers insurance, work referral programs and access to licensed booking agents to keep you working.
As an AFM member, you are part of a membership of more than 80,000 musicians. Experience has proven that collective activity on behalf of individuals with similar interests is the most effective way to achieve a goal. The AFM can negotiate agreements and administer contracts, procure valuable benefits and achieve legislative goals. A single musician has no such power.
The AFM has a proud history of managing change rather than being victimized by it. We find strength in adversity, and when the going gets tough, we get creative - all on your behalf.
Like the industry, the AFM is also changing and evolving, and its policies and programs will move in new directions dictated by its members. As a member, you will determine these directions through your interest and involvement. Your membership card will be your key to participation in governing your union, keeping it responsive to your needs and enabling it to serve you better. To become a member now, visit
April 8, 2017
In her nationwide United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) tour Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU) President Sophorn Yang, a former Nike garment worker, describes the life of an overseas sweatshop worker.
April 8, 2017
A bill designed to spur Georgia’s music industry through tax incentives was passed by the Georgia General Assembly at the end of March and is waiting for Governor Nathan Deal to sign off on it. The Georgia Music Investment Act (House Bill 155) could potentially create thousands of new jobs in both recording and film scoring.
April 7, 2017
Slated to open in 2019 near Millennium Park, the Chicago Blues Experience will tell the story Chicago’s blues story and celebrate the pioneering artists and the generations of musicians who have been influenced by the blues and continue to carry on its traditions.
April 7, 2017
Inspired by Los Angeles Philharmonic Music Director Gustavo Dudamel’s experiences with the Venezuela youth orchestra movement “El Sistema,” LA Philharmonic partners with the organization Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) to bring orchestral music to underserved children through Youth Orchestra LA (YOLA).
April 7, 2017
Following President Donald Trump’s January 27 executive order for his first travel ban, composer Soosan Lolavar was banned from re-entering the US. Lolavar was born and raised in London, but has dual citizenship as her father is Iranian.
March 18, 2017
“As if the pleas of doctors, nurses, retirees, hospitals and lawmakers from both parties weren’t enough, now we have 24 million additional reasons to protect the Affordable Care Act.
March 17, 2017
According to Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF)—a coalition of hundreds of organizations including the AFL-CIO—the Republican plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act would put at risk the health coverage of millions of Americans, while providing $465 billion in tax breaks to wealthy Americans along with large health insurance providers and prescription drug companies.
March 17, 2017
Foreigners seeking H-1B visas for temporary jobs in the US with high-tech companies will now undergo a longer process according to US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which announced that H-1B “premium processing” will be suspended for up to six months.
March 15, 2017
Paul Simon of Local 802 (New York City) has announced that he will hit the road again for a 17-city tour to benefit the Half-Earth Project, an initiative of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation.
March 15, 2017
Berklee College of Music has announced that AFM members Lucinda Williams of Local 433 (Austin, TX) and Todd Rundgren of Local 802 (New York City) will be honored with honorary doctor of music degrees at this year’s May commencement.