On Friday, August 7, the AFM International Executive Board (IEB) met by Zoom meeting to discuss the possibility of endorsing a candidate in the upcoming US presidential election. All IEB members were present for the meeting.
The IEB is very much aware that we have a diverse membership that has views that cover a wide political spectrum. Any endorsement of a presidential candidate is bound to be controversial with a portion of our membership.
As labor leaders, it our responsibility to share with the membership which candidate we feel will be the better choice regarding labor issues. Who will be the candidate most likely to support working men and women and the ideals of the labor movement? Who will be the candidate most likely to make appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that will hopefully result in increased NLRB decisions favorable to musicians? (Presidential appointments to the NLRB must be confirmed by the US Senate.) Who will be the candidate most likely to restore the fairness of the original social contract that served working men and women so well contributing to the creation of a robust middle class rather than the current failing low wage/low prices contract that has forced so many families into poverty? Who will be the best candidate to lead us through the pandemic crisis that has devastated musicians’ ability to go to work and make a living?
For these and other reasons, the IEB voted unanimously to endorse the Democratic candidate Joe Biden.