(L to R): Local 126 Vice-President Dick Clary; President Norm Dobson; 99-year-old Board Member Frank Higgins; Business Agent Gordon Bowman; and North Shore Musicians Union Concert Band Conductor David Benjamin.
Francis (Frank) C. Higgins, longtime trumpet player and member of the North Shore Musicians Association, Local 126 (Lynn, MA) will celebrate his 100th birthday November 22. Higgins joined Local 126 in 1935 and has maintained a performing career for the past 81 years. The only break in his music career was during his service in World War II. Higgins was a member of the 11th Airborne Division Band and participated in the 11th Airborne Division glider operations in New Guinea and The Philippines.
His incredible music career has encompassed every conceivable area of performance. His versatility has enabled him to perform in concert bands, orchestras, ballrooms, Dixieland bands, nightclubs, resorts, ethnic bands, and function bands, at venues too numerous to mention.
At 99, Higgins continues to perform regularly and plays every Thursday at the weekly Peabody, Massachusetts, Senior Center Ballroom Dance. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Local 126. Aside from his music abilities, his quiet, dignified manner, sense of humor, and personality have earned him the respect and admiration of all of his colleagues throughout the years.