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The AFM has a proud history of managing change rather than being victimized by it. We find strength in adversity, and when the going gets tough, we get creative - all on your behalf.

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Home » Recent News » Cleveland Institute of Music Faculty and Local 4 Prepare for Union Vote

Cleveland Institute of Music Faculty and Local 4 Prepare for Union Vote


The faculty of the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM) successfully petitioned the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold an election to recognize AFM Local 4 (Cleveland, OH) as their representative for the purposes of collective bargaining.

An organizing committee was created this past spring to determine if there was enough support among the teachers to hold such an election. A petition for a representational election was filed with the NLRB after the committee collected enough signatures from the teachers.

CIM hires music faculty for their Conservatory, joint music program (JMP), and Academy and public programs. A hearing to determine the personnel and scope of employment for the potential bargaining unit was postponed twice as Local 4 and CIM were afforded the opportunity by the NLRB to work toward a stipulated election agreement.

“The faculty of the Cleveland Institute of Music is comprised of world-class musicians and educators,” states conservatory faculty and Local 4 member Frank Rosenwein, principal oboe with The Cleveland Orchestra. “We deserve to be treated as such, whether teaching in the conservatory, the joint music program with Case Western Reserve University, or the Academy.”

The institute was arguing for the exclusion of teachers in the JMP and Academy, and Local 4 fought for inclusion of everyone. The union prevailed in the prehearing sessions and teachers in all departments are now included in the election. The remaining faculty members that are being challenged by CIM have an opportunity to participate as a voter subject to challenge, and all parties agree that they may request a review of the post-election determinations.

Voting is traditionally on the earliest date after NLRB authorization. However, this election will be conducted in late September to accommodate faculty members and musicians of The Cleveland Orchestra returning to campus after the first week of the fall semester.

“The organizing committee is simply sensational,” said Leonard DiCosimo, Local 4 president. “Local 4 has hosted weekly teleconference calls with the faculty since filing the petition and everyone has been conscientious and curious about their engagement. CIM faculty who are already AFM members are an integral part of the process, as are fellow local officers and rank and file who are actively supporting our campaign. We are all working toward a victory in this election.”

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