Now is the right time to become an American Federation of Musicians member. From ragtime to rap, from the early phonograph to today's digital recordings, the AFM has been there for its members. And now there are more benefits available to AFM members than ever before, including a multi-million dollar pension fund, excellent contract protection, instrument and travelers insurance, work referral programs and access to licensed booking agents to keep you working.
As an AFM member, you are part of a membership of more than 80,000 musicians. Experience has proven that collective activity on behalf of individuals with similar interests is the most effective way to achieve a goal. The AFM can negotiate agreements and administer contracts, procure valuable benefits and achieve legislative goals. A single musician has no such power.
The AFM has a proud history of managing change rather than being victimized by it. We find strength in adversity, and when the going gets tough, we get creative - all on your behalf.
Like the industry, the AFM is also changing and evolving, and its policies and programs will move in new directions dictated by its members. As a member, you will determine these directions through your interest and involvement. Your membership card will be your key to participation in governing your union, keeping it responsive to your needs and enabling it to serve you better. To become a member now, visit
May 1, 2019
An important part of each AFM Convention is the nomination and election of international officers who will lead the organization during the next three years. Also elected are delegates to the AFL-CIO Convention. Article 19, Section 2 of the AFM Bylaws provides for the publication of campaign statements by those candidates who have declared their intent to run for office. No candidate is required to publish a statement and all candidates may at any time prior to nominations pursue an office other than the one identified below.
Raymond M. Hair, Jr., Local 72-147 (Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX)
Thank you for the privilege of serving as your president with this marvelous Unity Team. We’ve restored and maintained fiscal responsibility. We’re negotiating and enforcing smart, progressive agreements with openness, activism, and real unionism. Through governmental advocacy, we’ve protected musicians’ interests and improved their lives. We’ve opened doors and found new rights money for AFM members, who make the music the world wants to hear. Difficult problems resolve with teamwork and unity. We’ll preserve and protect our union and together we will keep it strong, because together, we can. We ask for your vote. We are a winning team.
Bruce Fife, Local 99 (Portland, OR) President
As your international vice president and member of the Unity Team, thank you for your trust, support, and confidence as we continue to embrace our many challenges, creating pathways for success. As a team, we face our challenges together, but each individual is also tasked with specific assignments. My critical charge had me crisscrossing our two countries, delivering a much-needed officer education program to local leaders. These trainings provide the foundation for rebuilding our membership and power of our great union, especially when combined with the accomplishments and ongoing commitments of the Unity Team. We ask for your vote.
Alan Willaert, Local 149 (Toronto, ON)
It has been an honour to serve as the AFM Vice President from Canada, and as a member of Team Unity. Canadian members and locals have many accomplishments to be proud of in terms of lobbying government for positive change and seeking out new employers to establish agreements with fair wages and benefits. The experience I have gained will be advantageous for the future. More determined than ever to finish the remaining challenges, I ask for your support, your confidence, and your vote at the 101st AFM Convention.
Jay Blumenthal, Local 802 (New York City)
It has been a great privilege serving as your international secretary-treasurer for the past three years. The Unity Team goals of improving the financial stability of the AFM and moving the AFM NY office to a beautiful new office space were both accomplished. The AFM General Fund net assets have increased by nearly $5 million during the past three years. But many important challenges remain such as organizing to bring the protections of a union contract to more and more musicians. We hope to continue our work to serve you and the entire AFM membership over the next three years.
John Acosta, Local 47 (Los Angeles, CA) President
It has been a great privilege to represent the members of the American Federation of Musicians on the International Executive Board. Working with you, the greatest musicians in the world, AFM President Hair, my fellow board members, and local officers across the US and Canada, we have tackled many difficult issues together. However, our work is far from done. United, we can ensure that musicians earn a fair wage, receive respect on the job, and are able to retire with dignity. There are no doubt great challenges ahead, but when we stand united we will always be stronger together!
Mike Allen, Local 20-623 (Denver, CO) President
2020 will mark my 40th anniversary of membership in the AFM and Local 20-623. In 2015, it was my honor to assume the leadership of our local after accumulating many years of rank-and-file bargaining experience, as well as working with colleagues to create new bargaining units. Recently, the DMA has grappled with unique and thorny issues that have provided a rich learning environment in which to better understand the inner workings of our union and labor law. I would be honored by the opportunity to put those experiences to work in representing mid-size locals on the IEB.
Luc Fortin, Local 406 (Montreal, PQ) President
Dear brothers and sisters, it is with enthusiasm that I submit my candidacy for the office of the International Executive Board. Union values have always guided me and prevailed in all the decisions I had to make. I started my union career almost 15 years ago, first as director and, since 2006, as president of Local 406 (Montreal, Canada), the third largest local of the Federation with 3,200 members. During my tenure as president I restructured our finances and governance with great success. I sincerely believe that my long experience will be very useful to our union.
Tino Gagliardi, Local 802 (New York City)
The record of the Unity Team represents the experience and hard work needed to protect and better the livelihoods of musicians. We have bargained dozens of progressive agreements in the United States and Canada with our industry’s largest employers giving voice to the world-class musicians we represent. Bargaining hard for real gains is the hallmark of the Unity Team. Through advocacy, we continue to advance IP rights for musicians and bargain new revenue streams and fair compensation for our recordings. Our foundation is strong; together, we will continue to build a strong future for all musicians of the AFM.
Ed Malaga, Local 161-710 (Washington, DC) President
As a candidate for the IEB, it is an honor to be included on President Hair’s Team Unity. During my nine years as president of Washington, DC, Local 161-710, I’ve had the privilege of working with this administration at the bargaining table, on organizing campaigns, and in legislative efforts. The commitment and dedication to improving the lives of our AFM membership has always been paramount. As a local officer and working musician, these are values which have informed my own record of service, and which I will bring towards the promotion of a strong, progressive, and inclusive AFM.
Tina Morrison, Local 105 (Spokane, WA) President
My name is Tina Morrison and I ask for your vote as part of the Unity Team to continue serving on the International Executive Board. I’m in a unique position as president of AFM Local 105 and secretary treasurer of the Spokane Regional Labor Council to examine other unions, gain new perspectives, and identify opportunities to help us build solidarity and leverage for musicians. I’m involved with AFM Education and Diversity committees, working to build programs to inform and strengthen our union. AFM Bylaws, Article 2, Mission Statement is our guide for a strong union that works for all musicians.
Dave Pomeroy, Local 257 (Nashville, TN) President
Since 2010, I have been honored to serve all AFM musicians as an IEB member. We have worked hard to rebuild the AFM’s finances and resolve internal conflicts. Drawing on my experiences as a working musician, I have brought new concepts to the AFM, including affordable scales for home recording, and payment for the use of studio tracks in live performance. The IEB shares a common goal of raising the bar for all our members. We have made significant progress, but we can do more with your help. I respectfully ask for your vote as part of this unified team.
Beth Zare, Local 6 (San Francisco, CA) Secretary-Treasurer
My experience as current secretary-treasurer of a large local (San Francisco), former president of a smaller local (San Jose), and previous ROPA representative has specially prepared me for serving you on the IEB. Additionally, as a member of the AFM Diversity Committee, I created content for the Women’s Caucus at the previous two conventions. I’ve dedicated my life and career to the underserved, giving voice to those who have none. As your elected IEB representative, I will address your concerns and use my strengths to promote change. We need to become relevant for our survival. Together, we can do this.